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Top 50 Awesome Women in Marketing to Follow (International Women’s Day)

International Women’s Day is March 8th, so it seemed like the perfect time to recognize some of the fantastic females around the world who are making things happen in the marketing space.
Looking for women I’d want to include led me to tons of blogs, social channels, and brands. The good news is, there are tons of people to include, but the challenge is—there are tons to wade through! There are a number of other lists out there, so to make this list a bit different, I did a couple of things:
First, I tried to remove anyone that I had already seen on multiple “who to follow” lists. Not because they’re not awesome, but because chances are, you’re already following them, so this is an opportunity to find some new faces.
Second, while I am including most Twitter handles in the list, not all of the women on this list are necessarily avid Twitter users. I extend my definition of “follow” to mean that you should check out their blogs, LinkedIn profiles, websites, and to generally keep an eye out for them—they’re doing amazing things.
Third, the list spans new faces, industry veterans, people in startups, agencies, big brands, and everything in between. Hopefully it’s a good cross-section with some surprises thrown in!
So without further delay, here are 50 women to follow:
  1. Amanda DiSilvestro (@ADiSilvestro) – Amanda is a great source for SEO and online marketing information. She’s the content editor and a frequent writer at HigherVisibility. She is also a contributor to Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Watch, Social Media Today, and more. She’ll be one to watch in the SEO space.
  2. Amanda Maksymiw (@amandamaks – Currently serving as Content Marketing Director at Fuze, Amanda’s resume is packed with content marketing work and accolades that speak for themselves. Previously at Lattice Engines and OpenView Venture Partners, she’s continuing to make waves wherever she goes.
  3. Carla Johnson (@CarlaJohnson) – Carla is one of the more well-known people on the list. A regular speaker and author on B2B marketing and an instructor at Rutgers, Carla is someone who has evolved with the marketing space and continues to expand her experience and education to stay at the top of the field.
  4. Ally Greer (@allygreer) – Ally emerged on the scene in San Francisco a few years ago, starting out at, where she grew their content marketing success, and in her participation in the Bay Area’s competitive digital community. Now taking on marketing at Zumper, keep an eye out for Ally in the startup marketing space.
  5. Devan Fearman (@devSF) – Surviving and thriving in the hectic agency waters, Devan’s work at SHIFT eventually lead her to a VP of Marketing role there, as well as Director of Marketing at the Rubicon Project. She’s now VP of Marketing at Metamarkets where she’ll definitely be a force to be reckoned with in the advertising analytics space.
  6. Danielle Morrill (@DanielleMorrill– Okay, so not technically a “marketer”, but if you’re building a business, working in technology, or just want to connect with someone who talks real talk—Danielle is your woman. Currently the co-founder and CEO of Mattermark, she’s building amazing stuff while sending out one of my favorite e-newsletters. A Y Cominbinator alum and startup veteran, she’s a good place to find sanity in a mad, mad world.
  7. Zane Aveton (@zaneology) – Zane is constantly on the forefront of what’s happening in social media. Always an early adopter, she combines digital mediums together in crazy ways to make magic happen for celebrities, pro athletes, and brands. You can often catch her live chatting on Twitter and it’s always entertaining.
  8. Leslie Campisi (@lesliecampisi)– Leslie flies under the radar a lot, and I attribute that to her stoic Southern wit. Now a New Yorker, Leslie has been leading killer agency initiatives for years and now heads up MSLGroup’s digital practice as Senior VP. Leslie knows her clients, knows her practice, and has seen it all in the PR and marketing space.
    50 Women Marketers to Follow | SEJ
  9. Meghan Biro (@MeghanMBiro)– Founder and CEO of Talent Culture, Meghan’s plunging into the complicated world of HR technology and social strategy. Her work with major brands like Microsoft and Google have given her perspective into company culture that you’d be wise to heed. She’s also an author, major publication contributor, and speaker—you’re sure to find her on a blog or at an event near you!
  10. Wendy Marx (@wendymarx) – President of Marx Communications, Wendy has been working with B2B companies in the PR and communications space for more than 20 years. She’s got old school knowledge and new school ideas, like a 90-day proof of concept for potential clients.
  11. Carmen Hill (@carmenhill) – I’ll let Carmen’s Twitter bio do all the explaining necessary: “Strategic storyteller & content mixologist with an affinity for open browser tabs, post-it notes & AP Style. Director of Marketing @ConnectiveDX”.
  12. Kelly Wenzel (@kellywenzel– Kelly’s got serious enterprise software marketing chops. She currently serves as CMO for Centro, a digital agency out of Chicago and former positions with Tideway, DataSynapse, and Optum make her a long-time tech force. Need more? She was also named a Business Executive of the Year by the Stevie Awards and in 2014, Kelly won the AWNY Working Mothers of the Year.
  13. Claudia Page (@ClaudiaPage– As CrowdTap’s VP, Head of Creator Partnerships, Claudia works to pair content creators with brands like Target, Absolut, and McDonald’s. She keeps an eye on emerging tech and is someone I expect to see in the space for a long time to come.
  14. Dafna Sarnoff (@dafnanyc– Dafna has a degree in Mathematics from Dartmouth. Oh, and a Harvard MBA. She also worked on the executive team for OPEN from American Express. Want more? She currently serves as SVP of Marketing for Yodle, named in 2015 to Forbes Most Promising Companies. Keep an eye out for this accomplished woman—she could rule the world.
  15. Karina Wilsher (@Anomaly)– Partner and CEO at Anomaly, Karina has experience in the US and Europe working with clients from Cannes to Cadbury. Not only is she a serious agency exec, she’s been an active industry participant in groups dedicated to education and advancement.
  16. Sarah Hofstetter (@Pezmeister1) – As an Ad Age “40 Under 40” lister, Sarah is definitely a well-known force in the agency business. If you’re not already following the 360i CEO, she’s been killing it there, winning awards since 2005, working with Kraft, Oreo, Coca-Cola, and more. She’s a smart cookie with lots to give the industry.
  17. Lea Brisell (@LeaBrisell) – Lea is an art director and creative at Droga5 UK. She has a unique style and helps create the kind of work that makes marketing shine.
  18. Jennifer Mull – Grupo Gallegos CMO, Jennifer has a diverse background in consumer, health, retail, tourism, and more. She’s worked with agency heavy-hitters like DDB, Young & Rubicam, and McCann. She continues to build an impressive work portfolio and is definitely one to watch.
  19. Dechay Watts (@dechay– She’s the Co-Founder & CSO of Sprout Content where she focuses on purposeful content creation for businesses. Her Twitter feed is always full of marketing and content articles.
  20. Erika Heald (@SFerika) –  VP and head of Content at Highwire PR, Erika has embraced what it means to be a content marketer—with skills ranging from social media strategy to writer, editor, blogger, and owner of her own website. Check her out at
  21. Alexandra Wheeler (@aewheeler– Alexandra’s career reads like a who’s who of digital marketing. Now VP of Global Digital Marketing at Starbucks, Alexandra has been part of creative digital marketing for such brands as Disney, Twentieth Century Fox, Nintendo, Microsoft, and University of Phoenix. In the last eight years, Alexandra has been the driving force behind Starbucks’ most successful digital marketing campaigns.
  22. Yin Woon Rani (@Yintegrated)– A pioneer in B2C marketing, Ms. Rani dared to create an ad campaign that showed real families, including a gay couple and their son. When you talk about telling a story, this is what content marketing is all about. Risky? Yes. Effective? Hell yes.
    50 Women Marketers to Follow | SEJ
  23. Jenise Fryatt (@JeniseFryatt) – For those looking for an edge on sustainability and eco-friendly fun, Jenise is your woman. She’s the co-host of the Sustainable Living Podcast and content marketing strategist at Smarter Shift.
  24. Jennifer Burnham (@jennydburnham– Now Director of Marketing Communications and Content at Druva, Jennifer brings her understanding of technology to the content marketing space. A regular contributor to Business 2 Community, you’ll find Jennifer’s articles under tech and gadgets.
  25. Jessica Best (@bestofjess) – What hasn’t Jessica done? She’s a well-known and popular speaker, digital marketing evangelist and influencer, award-winning marketer, and leader. If you haven’t seen what Jessica has to say, you might be missing out.
  26. Joanna Weibe (@copyhackers) – Joanna’s a copywriting, content creating mad-woman. She runs CopyHackers and whips startups into shape.
  27. Kate Lee (@KateLaurieLee) – As the Head of Outreach at Medium, Kate’s obviously got her stuff together and knows about getting people together and then getting them talking. She’s a former literary agent so watching her will probably up your own writing game a bit, too.
  28. Kelsey Libert (@KelseyLibert)– A partner at Fractl marketing agency, you’d think Kelsey would be too busy to be an Inc., Harvard Business Review, and MarketingLand columnist too—but you’d be wrong. Follow Kelsey because she’s probably going somewhere cool.
  29. Kristina Halvorson (@halvorson) – The founder of @braintraffic and @confabevents, Kristina is a veritable wealth of information on content marketing, events, and strategy.
  30. Lisa Arthur (@lisaarthur– If you’re looking for thought leadership around data and data-driven marketing, read up on what Lisa Arthur has to say. A contributor to Forbes magazine, among others, Lisa’s responsibilities and talents include CMO, CMO advisor, keynote speaker, and author.
  31. Lisa Barone (@lisabarone) – Lisa has been internationally recognized as a thought leader for social media best practices and strategy. Her own mission: “Helping brands to make marketing more human one status update at a time.”
  32. Maria Pergolino (@InboundMarketer) – I’ll just leave Maria’s Twitter bio here as reason enough to follow her: “SVP Marketing @Apttus (Previously@Marketo), Account Based Marketing Expert. #B2BMarketer. Friend to@Salesforce. Also love wine! Warning: Some drunk tweets.”
  33. Melissa Mackey (@Mel66– A search engine marketing professional and PPC expert, Melissa is Search Supervisor at gyro, and regular contributor and speaker on the subject of SEM and PPC. For insights into both, check out her blog: Beyond the Paid.
  34. Nancy Padberg (@NancyPadberg) – An award-winning digital marketer, Nancy has street cred as a content marketer. Recently named among the Top 50 content marketers in the US by Cision, and among the Top 35 content influencers by Cerros, I couldn’t leave her off the list.
  35. Pam Didner (@PamDidner) – Author of Global Content Marketing, Pam is now sharing what she knows as an adjunct instructor at West Virginia University and as a senior consultant at her agency, Relentless Pursuit.
  36. Pamela Vaughan (@pamelump) – As Principal Marketing Manager, Optimization for Hubspot, Pamela is the queen of website and blog optimization.
  37. Patti Fletcher (@pkfletcher – Her LinkedIn profile says it all, “I help leaders change the world: marketer, strategic advisor, board member, angel investor, writer, keynote and panelist.” You can read some of her world changing views in her Inc. Magazine column.
  38. Sonia Simone (@soniasimone) – A champion of content, Sonia believes in communicating with integrity and respect. She is the founding partner and Chief Content Officer of Copy Blogger Media LLC.
  39. Shannon Kalayanamitr (@BKKShannon) – Founder of Moxie, a Bangkok-based women’s fashion and lifestyle portal, she sold it to What’sNew (Ardent Capital) but stays on as CMO—and is the only woman in the company’s top management. Now that’s confidence, determination, and passion.
  40. Toby Bloomberg (@TobyDiva) – Founder of Diva Marketing, Toby has been active in the blogging and social space since 2004 and is an industry veteran at combining social and traditional marketing. Her regular chat series—#TVFoodChat—connects chefs, contestants, and fans online.
  41. Veronica Belmont (@Veronica) – Online personality and current host of #DearVeronica on Engadget, Veronica has basically been the front woman of some of the web’s most popular podcasts. Find her now on genre-fiction shows The Sword & Laser and Vaginal Fantasies—you won’t be disappointed.
  42. Jaime Derringer (@JaimeDerringer) – Jaime is the Founder and Executive Editor of JD2 Media and the “Milk” sites—including DesignMilk, DogMilk, and AdornMilk, where she oversees the curation of some of the most awesome stuff you’ll find online.
  43. Christine Viera (@ChristineViera) – As SVP of Kapost, Christine is wealth of information on content marketing and marketing strategy. Formerly at Oracle and Avaya, you’re going to get info that spans both big B2B and more agile marketing from her.
  44. Angela Natividad (@luckthelady) – French marketing fatale Angela Natividad’s Twitter bio says it all: “Co-founder @hurrahforesport. 1/3 of@adverve#SocialSkim writer @MarketingProfs. Writer/editor @Adweek. Liveblogger + writer @mip. A friend to man + robots.”
  45. Ashley Routson (@TheBeerWench) – Ashley is an author, craft beer evangelist, and currently district manager at the fast-growing @GreenFlashBeer based out of San Diego. A girl who loves a good drink and says it like it is, grab a pint and follow!
  46. Maryam Banikarim (@maryamb– Currently serving as Hyatt’s CMO, Maryam is great to follow for her straightforward, conversational take on marketing and pop culture. Formerly at Gannett, Y&R, and a slew of other notables, she’s got amazing experience and plenty to say.
  47. Carolyn Rafaelian (@carolyn) – Founder & CEO of Alex and Ani jewelry brand, Carolyn doesn’t stop there. She also owns Sakonnet Wine and Belcourt Newport. She’s an entrepreneur, positive person, and serious go-getter. Prepare to get inspired.
  48. Ethiopia Habtemariam (@habersmasher) – She started in the music business as an intern at 14 and hasn’t stopped since. She’s paved the way as President of Motown Records and president of urban music/co-head of creative at Universal Music Publishing Group.
  49. Anna Kessel (@Anna_Kessel) – Not a marketer by title, but a woman who knows her communications stuff, Anna is a sports writer for The Guardian and is the Co-founder and Chair of Women In Football. A great person to follow for enthusiasts of all sorts!
  50. Rachel Joy (@Rachel_Joy) – Rachel is a renaissance woman in screen space. A storyteller, writer, producer, and director, she’s making cool content for places like the Discovery Channel, VH1, and HGTV.                                    Post Credit


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